Within a company, all stakeholders deserve a voice. Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) programs are a critical component of every corporate culture to help assure all employees feel heard, respected, and valued. But even the most detailed D&I program can only succeed with the support of employees. At The Bancorp, we champion D&I in our everyday culture and understand that a robust D&I Program is one of the best avenues to help employees develop and thrive within the company.

Through the strategic guidance of the Internal Diversity & Inclusion Council (IDIC,) The Bancorp D&I Program provides various opportunities and events for employees to connect and collaborate with colleagues of similar backgrounds, values, and experiences, including Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). ERGs welcome all employees from across The Bancorp and are led by co-chairs who volunteer and dedicate their time to planning meetings and events. These interactions create meaningful experiences that help promote The Bancorp’s inclusive values throughout the rest of the company. Employees who align closely with the mission of the D&I Program and regularly make valuable contributions to improve it earn recognition from the IDIC and are nominated for consideration to receive one of three D&I Excellence Awards.

The D&I Excellence Awards honors employees who have shown extraordinary service and commitment to The Bancorp D&I Program. Distributed annually by the IDIC, the awards are given to three employees, each who exceeds one of the following criteria:

Leadership D&I
Excellence Award

This award recognizes and celebrates exemplary leadership in advancing The Bancorp’s D&I values. It seeks to recognize someone who has demonstrated the ability to “get things done” and inspires others to practice inclusivity and recognize the importance of diverse skills, experiences, and backgrounds. Overall, this recipient is someone whose contributions have had a positive, lasting impact on the D&I Program.

Transcend D&I
Excellence Award

This award recognizes an employee who goes the extra mile with respect to contributing to the success of The Bancorp D&I Program. The recipient is someone who has taken on critical responsibilities that meaningfully support the program consistently even though it’s outside of the scope of their role and do so because of a genuine commitment to D&I.

D&I Event Excellence Award

Given to an individual or group, this award recognizes the planning and execution of a unique, high-impact event that connects employees and furthers inclusivity within The Bancorp and beyond. The event must be greatly anticipated, prompt strong participation, and involve creative planning.

The positive and inclusive culture of The Bancorp is cultivated by its employees, who lead by example in their day-to-day roles. Thanks to their unwavering dedication and commitment to excellence, The Bancorp has been recognized nationally as a Readers’ Choice Top Employer by Equal Opportunity Publications, Inc. In the years ahead, we look forward to the continued growth of The Bancorp D&I Program and celebrating the employees who make it possible.